
Graduate Trainee Mentorship Philosophy

Mutual Partnerships Lead to Lasting Relationships

“I am so beyond grateful to have had Sarah as a mentor during my Masters degree. Sarah’s mentorship style is so nurturing, encouraging, and very practical. She invested so much time into helping me shape my ideas, patiently answering my countless questions, and providing such constructive and detailed feedback on nearly every piece of work I put together. She helped me add structure to my Masters, helped me stick to my timelines, and helped me to better understand the unspoken rules and expectations in academia — while being refreshingly direct and communicative about her own expectations.

Sarah is also a person who stands up for what she believes in, and I have personally seen her go to bat for her mentees time and time again. Lastly, her passion for science is palpable and infectious, which I think is one of the many things that make her a great teacher and a great researcher. Any trainee would be lucky to have her as a supervisor.”

L. Separovic, MPH
School of Population and Public Health, UBC

“Working with Dr. Merrill changed my entire graduate student experience. It was an absolute privilege to have Dr. Merrill’s expertise and presence on my Master’s committee; she reignited a fire that I thought had burnt out.

Her passion and immense knowledge is a craft and is nothing short of inspiring. She is an incredible mentor with all the knowledge, skills, patience, and passion behind her. I cannot express this enough.”

K. Harris, Master of Science
Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University

“Dr. Merrill has been my mentor for the last four years. When I started graduate school during the pandemic, she consistently looked out for my educational and emotional well-being. We had many conversations early in my career, and she took the time to get to know me and what drove me scientifically. As I started to think about projects, she always asked open-ended questions that were geared to get me thinking deeply about the approach and implications of my work and were often driven by her own curiosity and passion for science and discovery, leading to incredibly enjoyable scientific discussions that continue to this day.

Dr. Merrill’s mentorship style has been one of sincere investment, and even though my subject matter is not directly aligned with her background, she is genuinely excited that I am excited. She has always stimulated independent thought and has been the best support every step of the way; from prepping for committee meetings to writing manuscripts. She has always been direct, honest, and positive. My graduate experience would not be the same or as successful without her kindness and guidance.”

K. Edwards, PhD Candidate
Biochemistry, UBC

“Dr. Merrill is the best mentor I’ve ever had, and also the best one I can imagine having. We have worked together for more than 5 years, as she was a postdoc, and I was a PhD student in our lab at UBC. Sarah is patient, caring, brilliant, and so so hardworking. She guided me through writing my first grant and my first paper. She gave thought-provoking feedback along with words of encouragement. She spent time with me to resolve conflicts with my supervisor and calmed my nerves before my big meetings; she was always there to support me throughout my PhD journey.

Every time I spoke to Sarah about my project, the conversation sparked new ideas, and these interactions genuinely reinvigorated my passion for science. She convinced me I have what it takes to do research, and always took the time out of her busy days to make sure I am on the right track. I cannot thank her enough. Sarah was not only my mentor and my best friend in the lab, she is also my role model as a scientist, and the kindest human being I’ve met. I am confident that all her students will have a wonderful training experience!”

M. Fu, PhD Candidate
Genome Sciences and Technology, UBC

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Dr. Merrill’s Teaching Philosophy

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