A Space where Science can Flourish
Dr. Merrill is an Associate Member for the Social Exposome Cluster and the Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging (ELCHA). She is also a researcher and teacher for the Alliance Against Violence & Adversity. In addition, her research has been funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Contact us to discuss opportunities for collaboration.
Past and Present Valued Collaborators
Alphabetically, by last name
Future Collaborations
Dr. Merrill has a keen interest in cultivating partnerships to advance pediatric health by means of cooperative research in social epigenetics and early life experiences, especially psychosocial interventions. It is her hope is that working together can help publish research on epigenetic change that may have implications for evidence-based policy and lasting effects on children’s welfare.
Further, the EPI lab is incredibly honored to have a multinational coalition of experts and leaders in their respective fields among the valued collaborators of our research. The EPI lab takes a team science approach, and appreciates the efforts of their colleagues to make their work possible.
If you are interested in potential collaborations, please reach out!
Land Acknowledgement
Our lab acknowledges that the land we live, work, learn, and commune on is the original homelands of the Pennacook communities with the Pawtucket Village and Wamesit Village. We acknowledge the painful history of genocide and forced removal from this territory, and we honor and respect the many diverse Indigenous peoples still connected to this land on which we gather.
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