Merrill Epigenetics and Psychosocial
Interventions (EPI) Lab
Exploring how Early Life Social Experiences Shape Biology, Behavior, and Development
The EPI Lab
Dr. Sarah Merrill, PhD
Dr. Merrill’s Epigenetics and Psychosocial Interventions (EPI) lab focuses on understanding the biological mechanisms by which social experiences, particularly early life adversity, influence health, development, and overall wellbeing throughout life. Additionally, her research aims to explore how DNA methylation, a key aspect of epigenetic regulation, serves as a mediator between social environments and health outcomes. By studying the plasticity of the epigenome, Dr. Merrill seeks to uncover biological pathways that are influenced by social experiences, providing insights into the social determinants of health and disease.
We are Recruiting!
Are you passionate about understanding how early adversity, biology, and the environment interact to shape behavior and health? Explore the intersection of genes and environment with us.
Please reach out to the EPI lab if you are interested in joining the team!
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Land Acknowledgement
Our lab acknowledges that the land we live, work, learn, and commune on is the original homelands of the Pennacook communities with the Pawtucket Village and Wamesit Village. We acknowledge the painful history of genocide and forced removal from this territory, and we honor and respect the many diverse Indigenous peoples still connected to this land on which we gather.
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